Monthly Archives: June 24, 2019

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Movie Review

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Movie Review

This may be J.K. Rowling’s favorite film of the series (we have some theories as to why that is), but it is certainly none of ours. Nevertheless, we had a great time with Shandy of the Broadcast ( dissecting everything about the sixth movie from the romances to the fiyah to the acting. Oh, and… Read more

6.30 The White Tomb

6.30 The White Tomb

We’ve reached the end of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, or as we like to call it, Harry Potter and Snape. Is the final chapter as good as Alice remembered? Is it necessary to include both first and last names of characters we’ve gotten to know over the course of six books? And did… Read more

The 2019 Father’s Day Special

The 2019 Father’s Day Special

Alice and Martha are joined by the Real Weird Dad to sort an assortment of fictional dads, and then joined by another very special guest, Grandpa Paul Krebill. Paul Krebill’s self-published books can be found at and Please consider supporting us on Patreon! Spoiler warning! Please be aware that our show contains… Read more

6.29 The Phoenix Lament

6.29 The Phoenix Lament

(Spoiler alert) Dumbledore is dead, and Fawkes the phoenix (pronounced FEE-nix) is lamenting. Harry works through his emotions as visitor after visitor enters the hospital wing — even though he’s not hurt. Sparks fly between two unexpected lovebirds, but don’t worry about the fact that it’s in response to Dumbledore’s death, because Dumbledore would have… Read more

6.28 Flight of the Prince

6.28 Flight of the Prince

It’s time for the titular reveal! Snape flees Hogwarts, but don’t you dare call him coward. Hagrid’s hut burns, claiming the lives of several poor, innocent Bowtruckles, but it’s nothin’ Dumbledore won’ be able to put righ’. And as usual, Hagrid needs to work on his listening skills. Please consider supporting us on Patreon!…. Read more