Monthly Archives: November 25, 2019

7.22 The Deathly Hallows

7.22 The Deathly Hallows

Watch Harry descend into madness as he contemplates the Elder Wand… the Resurrection Stone… the Cloak of Invisibility! Hermione is most skeptical, but old Xeno was right- she is limited. Narrow. Close-minded. Ron provides the trio with some much-needed stability and optimism, not to mention some amazing password-guessing skills. And finally, it’s time for some… Read more

7.21 The Tale of the Three Brothers

7.21 The Tale of the Three Brothers

This episode is set at midnight, not twilight – much spookier! Stretch out on the couch with your hands behind your head, sip your delicious Gurdyroot infusion, and eat some Freshwater Plimpy soup while you listen to Alice and Martha discuss Hermione’s incredible translation skills, Luna’s interior decor choices, and the complexities of old Xeno’s… Read more

7.20 Xenophilius Lovegood

7.20 Xenophilius Lovegood

The gang’s back together, but Ron has some serious and somber work cut out for him when it comes to winning Hermione over again, and tuning the wireless radio certainly isn’t helping. Luckily, Harry and Ron are very subtly able to get away to “pick blackberries,” which is bro code for “goof off ten feet… Read more

7.19 The Silver Doe

7.19 The Silver Doe

Harry, dressed in all the sweaters he owns and running on two nights without sleep, makes the wise decision to follow a mysterious doe (dough?) deep into the Forest of Dean. Ron, with a ball of light inside his chest (we must have heard that wrong) saves the day and makes a triumphant return to… Read more