5.2 A Peck of Owls

Do squibs have a special gift for communicating with cats? Did Mrs. Polkiss slip something into Dudley’s tea? And why is Harry obsessed with going on the run and becoming a fugitive? Alice and Martha (and Bungy) are back to answer your most pressing questions about this chapter!

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“Ms.” is not a commonly used title for women in the UK, particularly not women past a certain age. It is not uncommon of for an older woman who is single or widowed to go by “Mrs.”, either by choice or just because that’s how people reflexively address her. Also, women don’t typically start calling themselves “Miss” or “Ms.” if they’re widowed. I’d say it’s about halfway between the Italian/Spanish habit of calling older women “Signora/Senora” rather than “Signorina/Senorita” out of respect for their age rather than their marital status, and the more American habit of addressing unmarried women regardless of age as “Miss” or addressing all women with the non-marital-status-explicit title of “Ms.”. I lived in the UK for the majority of my life (American expat) and this is a subtle difference but it’s there. The Brits seem somewhat more reticent about changing standard modes of speech and address even as more and more women prefer not to be referred to in a way that makes their marital status explicit.


Oh wow, I never made the Squib-cat connection. Nice theory!

The Dursley reinactment is the best!

It’s wild that Harry doesn’t even get a trial from the get-go.

I thought she was talking about Severus too but like Harry I then thought that she was talking about James.

That was really dark of Vernon to want Harry dead.

I didn’t think the Font Talk segment would have lasted as long as it did.

I love Dementoids out of the three!

I think it’s great that Aunt Petunia won Real Weirdo.

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